All events are all ages, all the time! Drugs & alcohol are prohibited. Flemington DIY maintains that no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. If you require reasonable accommodations to access an event, please complete our Accommodations Request Form.
Pysanky Ukrainian Egg Decorating
March 15 @ 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
$50 per person (materials included) | Recommended for 18+
Come celebrate the spring with this unique opportunity to learn an ancient art and folk tradition. Pysanky, also known as Ukrainian eggs, are created using a process similar to batik. Patterns are drawn on the egg with hot beeswax, which then protects the covered areas from the dye that is applied. By repeating this process with different colors of dye, a multi-colored pattern is built up. Finally, the wax is removed to reveal the colors that were covered up at each stage. A great deal of patience and concentration is required to complete a single egg, but it is very rewarding to reveal your hard work when the wax is taken off. All skill levels and ages can create an original pysanka.