Act of Creation / State of Decay Art Show Aug 25 – Sept 30

Creation and Decay are happening simultaneously in our individual lives and on the macrocosmic level. They are not forces working against each other but blend and become the cycle of birth and rebirth that sustain our universe. This show poses a contrast and comparison of the cycle of Creation and Decay.

Opening Reception: Sunday, August 25, 2019, 7-9PM

Ethan Clark is a contemporary realist figurative oil painter studying under Kevin Murphy at the Art Academy in Hillsborough. He has also been working for the past year as a drawing/painting instructor for both the Art Academy and the Evolve Artist online education program. Using classical techniques, he seeks to breathe life into the canvas and capture both expression and emotion in his portraiture and other work. The process of oil painting is among the oldest and most well-respected artmaking techniques in the works, if not the most. The formula has been developed and reworked over centuries by the Old Masters and contemporary professionals. Through its lifespan, oil painting has been regularly viewed as the most effective way to represent objects and figures from the real world on a two-dimensional surface, as the pigments are rich, vibrant, and full of depth. The Old Masters were seen as almost godlike beings, able to create the impression of life from nothing. This is the Act of Creation.


Nat Segers is an amateur artist from Flemington now living in Baltimore. They scavenge bones and other animal remains and paint them, engrave them, and more. Their style contrasts the pale, structured networks built by lives unknown against the vivid colors and shapes they once felt. Nat seeks to explore the connection between the methodical nature of our bodies and the spirits that inhabit them. Being able to hold in one’s hands the remains of another life is a privilege, and by meditating on objects that once moved and lived of their own accord, one is reminded that all life tends towards entropy. Our minds and flesh fade every day, while other parts endure. And while the individual identity flares brightly and then dies in a microscopic period of this world, the collective will continue to evolve. This is the State of Decay.

Instagram: @scavenged_omens