26 Stangl Road, Flemington, NJ 08822
Flemington DIY is located on Stangl Road in the center of the Arts & Cultural District in downtown Flemington, NJ. Have questions? Check out our FAQs.

GENERAL EMAIL: info@flemingtondiy.org
For event ideas, and other inquiries, questions, or comments.
BAND BOOKINGS: booking@flemingtondiy.org
Due to the volume of booking requests we receive on a daily basis, we cannot accommodate all at this time. Thanks for understanding. Please do not send press kits or EPKs.
VOLUNTEER: volunteer@flemingtondiy.org
RENTALS: rentals@flemingtondiy.org
MEMBERSHIPS: memberships@flemingtondiy.org
ART SHOWS: arts@flemingtondiy.org
TELEPHONE: (856) 431-3692
Please leave a message
All events are all ages and drugs and alcohol are prohibited at all times
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