UPDATE: MARCH 25, 2020

Hi all,
It comes as no surprise that we will be extending our closure thru April, but more realistically, indefinitely until this situation is under control. If you feel so inclined, you can make a donation to Flemington DIY here, as we’ve lost several events and workshops, and expect to cancel/postpone more. However, we are aware there are many other – and more urgent – organizations and funds you could contribute to at this time.

In the meantime, please continue to support local businesses and stay home. See you soon! Stay positive.

MARCH 13, 2020

Hello friends. We will be temporary closing Flemington DIY through the end of March in response to COVID-19 (coronavirus). All events, classes, and workshops will be postponed and rescheduled this spring.

As a main meeting place that serves a vast and diverse community, we believe it is our social responsibility to act swiftly and be pro-active. At the end of the month, we will reassess the situation and act accordingly.

We realize the importance of community in a time of distress but feel this is the appropriate and necessary action to take at the moment.

In the interim, we will be making a number of improvements to the space in preparation for a busy spring schedule.

We appreciate your understanding and support.

The Flemington DIY Board