
Thursday, November 21: Embroidery 101 & Intermediate Embroidery

Embroidery 101 – 11am-1pm
Learn the art of embroidery in this step-by-step workshop. Participants will learn all the basics; from how to transfer a design to a diversity of stitches, as well as how to split the thread and thread a needle with ease. This workshop is both a great way to start your journey into the world of embroidery in addition to reviewing some basics of the craft form. All skill levels are welcome.

$35 to register (online) + a materials fee of $10 is due the day of the workshop and paid to the instructor.

Intermediate Embroidery – 1:30-3:30pm
If you’re ready to take your embroidery to the next level, we are going to learn more stitches and skills to apply to our work. Admirers will never believe how easy and fun it was to learn these stitches and create such masterful work. We will learn two fill stitches, the satin stitch and the brick stitch, to fill in areas of color. We will also learn how to blend two shades of color together. Prerequisite skills are required. 

$35 to register (online) + a materials fee of $10 is due the day of the workshop and paid to the instructor.