HC Mama’s Clothing and Toy Swap
Swaps are good for your wallet AND the environment. Let’s do our part in taking care of the planet for our kids and the future generations Bring gently loved ... Read moreHC Mama’s Clothing and Toy Swap
A Community Arts Organization Since 2014
All events are all ages, all the time! Drugs & alcohol are prohibited. Flemington DIY maintains that no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. If you require reasonable accommodations to access an event, please complete our Accommodations Request Form.
Swaps are good for your wallet AND the environment. Let’s do our part in taking care of the planet for our kids and the future generations Bring gently loved ... Read moreHC Mama’s Clothing and Toy Swap
VERNAL SCUZZ (Alabama wild improvisations, song deconstrucions and tape experiments. Sweet Wreath Recs) EXHIBIT: A (No wave / Art Punk) MIKE BRUNO (Neo Folk Baladry) RUNK SPASM EYE (Low Spoons ... Read moreExperimental Live Music