All events are all ages, all the time! Drugs & alcohol are prohibited. Flemington DIY maintains that no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. If you require reasonable accommodations to access an event, please complete our Accommodations Request Form.
DIYxRLC: First Fridays Screenprinting for Homeschoolers
Calling all homeschoolers!Flemington DIY and Raritan Learning Cooperative are collaborating to offer a monthly print club for kids ages 12-18, on select first Friday of every monthBring a design and ... Read moreDIYxRLC: First Fridays Screenprinting for Homeschoolers
Mia Art’s Heartstravaganza for Teens and Adults
Go Green this Valentine's Day with Mia Art's Heartstravaganza at DIY!Create beautiful and unique gifts and cards using upcycled materials and your own personal touch!$10 per person pre-registration + material ... Read moreMia Art’s Heartstravaganza for Teens and Adults