Become a Member

Invest in Flemington DIY. Invest in Community. Invest in Yourself!

Many of you have asked what you can do to help invest in Flemington DIY’s future. One of the easiest and best ways to ensure the future of DIY is to become a sustaining member.

Your commitment helps DIY plan for the year, invest wisely, build capacity, and secure our future. We are now proud to share you can support Flemington DIY for as little as $5/month!

By making a monthly or annual recurring donation to Flemington DIY, you’re helping to produce over 100 arts programs a year, including classes, concerts, workshops, and more. You’re also providing support for dozens of established arts and community groups to utilize Flemington DIY as a meeting and makerspace. And hey, it’s tax-deductible!

For questions, contact Roia at


Sustaining Members receive:

  • A one-time swag pack so you can rep DIY anytime, any place
  • Discounted and early bird tickets of select events
  • Discounted space rentals
  • Priority at curating events
  • Participation in annual May Member/Volunteer Art show
  • Invitation to socials, outings, and other special events throughout the year
  • A warm and fuzzy feeling inside

Flemington DIY relies on donations and the support of the community to keep the organization, art space, and programs successfully running and open to the community. Your commitment ensures artistic and financial health and allows us to effectively manage your favorite community arts space!