Join us in January to view, learn about, and create art that fuels movements.
For the month of January, our gallery will showcase political posters and zines supporting a wide range of social movements, highlighting the massive impact the arts has in sustaining and inspiring social activism.
Related events include a virtual or in-person watch party of A HISTORY OF POLITICAL POSTER-MAKING with Interfere Archive on Thursday, Jan. 9 (moved to all zoom due to weather!) and HOW TO MAKE A ZINE with Flemington QTs on Sunday, Jan. 21.
(Image below is a graphic for a book by Josh MacPhee)

January 9th: A History of Political Poster-Making
Zoom (moved to all zoom due to weather!) – 7:30pm
Join Interference Archive volunteer Declan Sokolska (they/them) as we explore poster-making throughout the 20th and 21st centuries using material from the archive. Miriam will overview a basic history of political poster-making and the different techniques that can be used to make posters today. This lecture will support an in-person workshop at Flemington DIY on February 1st where participants will be able to make their own posters inspired by materials from the archive. Interference Archive is a Brooklyn-based and volunteer-run community archive that aims to explore the relationship between cultural production and social movements. Donations appreciated $5-10.
January 21st: What’s a Zine + How To Make One
At Flemington DIY – 4-6pm
Join the Flemington QTs for an overview of zines and how to create your own. Donations appreciated $5-10.