Black Youth Meet-Up

Flemington DIY is creating a Black-led virtual space for Black youth age 15-18 to connect, bond, and share their experiences in a safe, inspiring, and empowering space!

Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 8PM EST, unless decided otherwise. Group led by a local middle school teacher and high school senior.

A link will be sent to participants about 24 hours before the scheduled meeting. Sign up required, please.

Community Agreements

Inclusivity + Safe Space:

  1. Everything said here, stays here. Do not share personal stories or identities outside of this space
  2. Respect people’s identities – use pronouns
  3. Ask questions before assuming – the best way to understand choices, wording, intent is by asking questions
  4. Mutual respect. Use respectful language
  5. If you need something that you don’t feel comfortable bringing up in the group, please let us know via email or via chat
  6. We want this space to be accessible to all. If we are missing something, let us know

Online Safety + Conduct:

  1. Make sure your name(s) are visible along with your preferred pronoun
  2. Video on unless you have an issue, please let us know your needs
  3. Mute yourself when not speaking
  4. No screenshots, video or other sharing of our meetings
  5. Stay flexible with tech challenges