Queer is Here

Art Show to Discuss LGBTQIA+ Identity in Rural New Jersey opening Sunday, June 2, 6-8pm

The Flemington QTs invite all to the Opening Reception of our art gallery show on Sunday, 6/2 from 6PM to 8PM at Flemington DIY. This collaborative exhibit will feature artwork from LGBTQIA+ people living in Hunterdon County and nearby Central New Jersey and will address our experiences as queer and transgender people living in the rural part of the Garden State. 

“As a Hunterdon County native, I know how difficult it can be to be an LGBTQIA+ individual growing up in an area that isn’t known for being exceptionally welcoming or friendly towards queer and trans folks,” states Jae Hoff, Flemington QTs cofounder. “That’s why we created the QTs – to create a safe space for people like us where we can not only be our authentic selves, but openly celebrate who we are.” 

“There’s always the misconception that queer and trans folks don’t exist in rural areas,” says Elliott Junkyard, local artist and Flemington QTs co-founder. “My family has been in this area for almost a hundred years, and it’s ridiculous that queer people are often forced out of rural areas because of safety concerns.” 

The opening reception is free and open to all, but donations are appreciated and accepted at the front door. Light refreshments will be available.

“Queer is Here” will be on display at Flemington DIY all month. Stop by during open hours to view the gallery. 

The Flemington QTs (Queer Trans) is a community, advocacy, and mutual aid group for and by LGBTQIA+ people in Hunterdon County and beyond. Connect with us via email (flemingtonqts@gmail.com), on Instagram (@flemingtonqts), or join our private Facebook group (Flemington Q-Ts).