Today is Giving Tuesday!

Today is Giving Tuesday! Flemington DIY is depending on your support to keep afloat during these unprecedented times. It has been a devastating year for everyone, especially arts organizations like ours. This year, your tax-deductible donations will help:

  • Recoup lost funds due to COVID-19
  • Produce virtual programs
  • Find a new location

After six and half years of anticipation, our building at 90 Main is finally set to be sold this winter. We see this as a new opportunity with the hopes of finding a new, affordable location with a goal to re-open when it is safe to congregate again. Since March, we’ve been focused on virtual programming and creating community online, and we’ll continue to do so.

Over the last six and a half years, we’ve had the privilege of producing and hosting over 600 events and affordable programs for thousands of all-age participants.

Can we count on you to keep it going as we look ahead to our next chapter?

Please give:
You can also support us by shopping our new online webstore here:

See you on the other side!