November 28, 2023
Help us reach our goal of $2,000!
Your gift will help support our all-ages, volunteer-run community arts space.
Every dollar gets invested into our future, sustaining the foundation we’ve built together.
We’ve made great strides since this time last year. Thanks to your ongoing support, we’ve expanded programming and increased visibility via marketing campaigns and building improvements like banners, spotlights, and painting everything blue!
As you may know, Flemington DIY is home to community members of all ages spanning many generations – serving participants as young as 6 months old thanks to our continued partnership with Music Together.
With the addition of our Accessibility Coordinator, we’ve made improvements to our processes and events to better accommodate those who need it, including an Accommodations Request Form ahead of any event.
We’ve become a hub for the local LGBTQ+ community teaming up with groups like the Flemington QTs, and we plan to collaborate with the local NAACP as part of many other long-term diversity driven initiatives. More on that later!
The last 18 months since our reopening have exceeded all expectations and relieved many anxieties in all areas – like attendance, press, community involvement, and financial stability.
When you give to Flemington DIY, you know exactly where your money goes. You can see it, and you can experience it when you visit our space. Every dollar gets invested into our future, sustaining the foundation we’ve built together.
To those of you who are already monthly or yearly sustaining donors, we thank you again! You provide a valuable lifeline we depend on regularly to keep us going. These recurring gifts are vital to us – and we’d appreciate any additional one-time gifts you can make at this time.
Whether you give $5 or $500, please know it all makes a difference!
Today’s support is tomorrow’s program. Without you, there is no us. Thank you!